I Just Quit My Job

2 min readMay 29, 2024


Now What?

Hi guys I’m Jack as you know me so guys my story is very sad because I told you that I used to work in a company that paid 1200 dollars which I left I am both sad and happy because of it.

Friends, something happened that I was sick for two or three days, due to which I could not go to Afs, and because of this, my manager, who worked in my company, angrily told me two or four things that.

Because of that I got very angry and I resigned and said that I resign from your job, I kick your job, I don’t want to do your job, friends, I haven’t heard from anyone till today. I do not listen to.

Friends, my father used to say that son, if you have to work, do it yourself, otherwise don’t work under someone because everyone knows that.

If we pay someone a salary, we don’t let him sit all day, we make him busy with work all day, and that poor person keeps working all day. Servant means that he works all day.

He will do the job, if we need even a glass of water, he will call us, but we have nothing to do with his salary.

Something like this was happening to me but I continued to tolerate it, but there is a limit to tolerance, now it has not reached the limit, now it is sad and happy that I.

There is a kind of sadness and happiness as well. The sadness is that if I leave that job.

what will I do next?

He also left, so I am worried and sad because of this, what will I do next and where will my source of income come from or my.

I have been worried since morning thinking that now I have left the job of the company which had a salary of 1200 dollars, now there is no salary and there is no way to earn a living, I am writing this story

what will I do now?

Friends, if anyone has any other website or platform from where I can earn online, please respond to me and let me know that you can make a source of income from here.

Thank you.




B.A. in Psych. Lover of all things green. Likely to be found brewing tea or making a mess in the kitchen. Boisterous, creative, free-spirited.